Friday, May 27, 2011

Avocado and Black Bean Salad

So if there’s one award I’ll win for my blog it’s the laziest blogger ever.  For a while I had excuses like a 20 page paper on Emily Dickinson, two ten page papers, or three finals, but I haven’t had those for over two weeks.  Instead I just decided to spend time with my friends before a lot of us graduated, but since last Sunday I haven’t had any excuse at all. 


As of last Saturday I’m officially a college graduate.  I know it’s crazy!  I’m still waiting for the provost to show up at my house and be like “WE GOT YOU! You didn’t actually graduate!”  Luckily that hasn’t happened yet.  And since getting home and unpacking… well, mostly unpacking I’ve been cooking a lot, but I’ve just been too lazy to get off my butt and start writing again.  So this is it: my jump back into my blog.  Hopefully I’ll be updating with more frequency now than I was before, but we’ll see when my laziness kicks in again. 


I know a lot of people that have habits; some people chain smoke, others bite their nails, others say “blah, blah, blah” in stories (or is that just me?), and the list can go on and on.  I think my worst habit is looking at food blogs when I’m hungry.  It’s caused me to have a list of over 100 recipes that I want to try at some point or another excluding all of my cookbooks.  Now that I’m done with school I’m finally getting around to trying a lot of the ones that I’ve been drooling over for up to a year and a half now, and this recipe is one of them. 


This avocado and black bean salad was exactly what I needed the other day for lunch.  It was hearty and spicy and crunchy and exactly what I wanted.  I found it at the blog “Honey, What’s Cooking” and I knew from the second I saw it that I had to make it… it only took me 18 months to get around to it.  This salad is super easy and really quick to make and it makes a great lunch! If you like tex-mex you should definitely give it a try since it has all the flavors of your traditional tex-mex meal!


This would be great to bring to a party or to have as a quick lunch one day, and the best thing is it takes no time at all to make.  I know I’ll be making this again and playing with different ingredients when I try it again!

Here’s what you’ll need:
1 15 oz can of black beans
2 plum tomatoes
½ red onion
1 jalapeno
1 avocado
1 lime
Olive oil
Black pepper

First, drain and rinse the black beans in a colander and shake out excess water.  Place in a medium sized bowl. 


Next dice the onion and place that in the bowl as well (you can see a trend forming here, no?). 

How to Dice an

Then chop the tomato and jalapeno (remove the jalapeno’s seeds while you cut) and place in the bowl.


 Cut the avocado into cubes.  In order to do this, cut even lines diagonally and vertically on the avocado while it’s still in the skin and use a spoon to scoop the avocado out of the skin. 


Then zest and juice the lime into the bowl.  Add oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper to taste.  Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy! 


First, drain and rinse the black beans in a colander and shake out excess water.  Place in a medium sized bowl.  Next dice the onion and place that in the bowl as well (you can see a trend forming here, no?).  Then chop the tomato and jalapeno (remove the jalapeno’s seeds while you cut) and place in the bowl.  Cut the avocado into cubes.  In order to do this, cut even lines diagonally and vertically on the avocado while it’s still in the skin and use a spoon to scoop the avocado out of the skin. Then zest and juice the lime into the bowl.  Add oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper to taste.  Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy!