I come from a big family. I’m the youngest of five, and I love every one of my brothers and sisters. My parents and grandparents are all amazing people too. And my aunts, uncles and cousins, I can’t forget about them either. I know a lot of people that dread family events, but I’m lucky; be it Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or Birthday Parties I’m always excited to see my family. Sure within three hours we might be ready to run away from each other screaming, but that’s part of the fun of family.

One of my brothers was born with a dietary issue where his body isn’t able to process a specific amino acid that’s found in every protein. Because of this he’s spent most of his life living off of carbs and vegetables… but mostly carbs. Every year for his birthday (or at least it seemed like it was every year) he’d always have funfetti cake since he was only able to eat yellow cake… then again, you never heard any of us complaining that we got to eat funfetti cake. I don’t know what it was about it, but it just seemed better than most other cakes, especially other ones that came from boxes.

Since it was his birthday this week I decided to make funfetti cupcakes even though he’s 200 miles away. So Happy Birthday Andy! These cupcakes are for you, in theory at least…
This recipe is your standard cake recipe, and it's pretty easy to make as long as you have an electric mixer. A standalone mixer would be incredibly helpful between the cake and the icing, but a hand mixer is just fine! The cupcakes turn out light and fluffy and the icing is incredibly creamy and not too sweet. The flavors compliment each other perfectly and trying to make funfetti cake from scratch is definitely worth it, even if you only do it once!
Here’s what you’ll need:
Funfetti Cupcakes from
here – Makes about 12 cupcakes:
1-1/4 cups AP flour
1-1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup sugar
6 tbsp butter, room temperature
1 large egg + 1 egg white, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp rainbow sprinkles
Icing from More from Magnolia: Recipes From The World-Famous Bakery and Magnolia's Home Kitchen:
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
2 cups (4 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
For the Cake:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Start by sifting flour, baking soda and salt together in a bowl and set aside. Next, beat the butter and sugar until they’re combined and creamy, this should take 2-3 minutes. Once the butter and sugar are combined add the egg and egg white one at a time. Next add in the vanilla.
Then, in three additions, add the dry ingredients. Add the milk in intervals with the dry ingredients. It’ll go something like this: dry ingredients, milk, dry ingredients, milk, dry ingredients. Make sure you fully incorporate what you’ve added to the batter before you add something new.
When you’re done with this, fold the sprinkles into the batter and make sure that they’re more-or-less evenly distributed.
Put cupcake liners in the cupcake tin and fill the cupcake liners so that they’re about half full. Place into the oven on the middle rack and bake for 17-20 minutes. Use a toothpick to make sure that they’re cooked.
When the cupcakes are cooled put the icing on them and roll them in sprinkles if you’d like. Then serve and enjoy!
For the icing:
In a saucepan whisk the flour and the milk until there are no lumps in the mixture. Place over medium heat and stir continually while sauce thickens and bubbles. For the record my sauce didn’t bubble, but make sure you do continually stir, if you stop for more than 10 seconds the sauce hardens and you have to whisk out all the lumps again. Continue stirring for 10-15 minutes. When the sauce is thick take it off of heat, cover it with wax paper and let it cool for 30 minutes or until it is room temperature.

Beat the butter for 3 minutes on medium speed until it becomes smooth and creamy. Slowly add the sugar into the butter and scrape down the sides of the bowl while you mix in the sugar. Continue to beat together the sugar and butter until it is smooth, this should take about three minutes. Mix in the vanilla. Then add the cooled milk and four mixture and beat on medium speed for five minutes. The frosting will become very smooth and the color will become even whiter. Refrigerate for exactly fifteen minutes and then frost cupcakes immediately.
It’s really important that you follow the directions as they’re given, otherwise the frosting can become greasy looking.
I've decided that the formatting I've been using isn't as user-friendly as I'd like, so from now on I'll be including the full instructions on the bottom of the post:
Cake: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Start by sifting flour, baking soda and salt together in a bowl and set aside. Next, beat the butter and sugar until they’re combined and creamy, this should take 2-3 minutes. Once the butter and sugar are combined add the egg and egg white one at a time. Next add in the vanilla.
Then, in three additions, add the dry ingredients. Add the milk in intervals with the dry ingredients. It’ll go something like this: dry ingredients, milk, dry ingredients, milk, dry ingredients. Make sure you fully incorporate what you’ve added to the batter before you add something new.
When you’re done with this, fold the sprinkles into the batter and make sure that they’re more-or-less evenly distributed. Put cupcake liners in the cupcake tin and fill the cupcake liners so that they’re about half full. Place into the oven on the middle rack and bake for 17-20 minutes. Use a toothpick to make sure that they’re cooked.
Icing: In a saucepan whisk the flour and the milk until there are no lumps in the mixture. Place over medium heat and stir continually while sauce thickens and bubbles. For the record my sauce didn’t bubble, but make sure you do continually stir, if you stop for more than 10 seconds the sauce hardens and you have to whisk out all the lumps again. Continue stirring for 10-15 minutes. When the sauce is thick take it off of heat, cover it with wax paper and let it cool for 30 minutes or until it is room temperature.
Beat the butter for 3 minutes on medium speed until it becomes smooth and creamy. Slowly add the sugar into the butter and scrape down the sides of the bowl while you mix in the sugar. Continue to beat together the sugar and butter until it is smooth, this should take about three minutes. Mix in the vanilla. Then add the cooled milk and four mixture and beat on medium speed for five minutes. The frosting will become very smooth and the color will become even whiter. Refrigerate for exactly fifteen minutes and then frost cupcakes immediately.
It’s really important that you follow the directions as they’re given, otherwise the frosting can become greasy looking.